Looking to make the Ender Design site more useful? Excellent! The most common suggestions are for specific types of additions to the Realm Graphics archive, adding a link to Main Street, or even visitors who want to contribute to the archive. Please see the specific sections below for one of these common suggestions. Thanks for you effort in making our site the best in can be!

Please be sure your email address above is correct. In case we need more information we would like to be able to contact you. Thanks!
General Suggestion:
Click the checkbox to be added to our General mailing list. At most 3 to 4 messages are posted per year.
Link Submission
Link URL:
Link Name:
Graphic Suggestion:
What kind of graphic(s) would you like to see in the archive?:
Graphic Submission:
Please do not submit files that have been pulled off of other sites. Many of those types of files have specific usage restrictions and copyrights that prohibit us from posting them in our archive. Also, please do not submit any files over 15K, as they consume too much server space and will be discarded, thanks.
File Name:
Graphic Category:

Tell us about yourself!
Please help us out. Giving us a little information about yourself lets us know the type of people who visit and thus allows us to deliver services that would interest you. These facts are not posted publicly and are used strictly for internal use. They are optional, but your assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Your Gender: Male Female
Age Group:
Geographic Region:
Occupational Group:
What are some of your interests?:
What can We Improve?:

Cool animated Cactus